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Full Potential Fitness and Wellness

Helping clients reach their full potential in all aspects of health, fitness, movement, and lifestyle!

Barbell and Kettlebell Weights_edited_ed

Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.

-Winston Churchill


Our Goal

At FPFW, it is not just about making your vision of health and wellness a reality.  It is about helping you realize that your vision of health isn't based on anything else than you feeling your best and your healthiest.  We are all made differently, so why would our "healthy" all look the same?  We all have our own FULL POTENTIAL.


At FPFW, we want everyone to come in knowing that this a community that they can depend on and feel good around.  It is said that we are only as strong as who we surround ourselves with, so why not make a commnity filled with that strength? 
We want our community to reach from the young to the old and everything in between.



For questions, please fill out the form below, call us, or message us on Facebook or Instagram. 

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3108 Tyre Neck Road Suite A

Portsmouth, VA 23703

Tel: 757-439-1759

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